An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Dr. Richard Perry, Professor emeritus of Church and Society and Urban Ministry Program, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago discussed the formation and history of the Conference of International Black Lutherans or CIBL. From the beginning, CIBL was and continues to be dedicated to the research, study, and examination of Lutheran theology through the African American experience. Conversation between Dr. Albert Pero (United States) and Dr. Ambrose Moyo (Zimbabwe) in the mid-1980s developed dialogue with African American and African Lutheran theologians which culminated with the first CIBL conference in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1986. Perry highlighted the contributions of this professional organization including:
- the diverse way to experience the Lutheran faith experience,
- the publication of scholarly works for professional and lay persons within congregations, and
- providing space to empower other ethnic communities in the church. Dr. Perry concluded the interview by suggesting ways to cultivate another generation of Black scholars in the Lutheran church.