An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
This is a program of remembrance. Three colleagues and friends of Dr. Richard Stewart share their memories of him.
Dr. Joseph Donnella emphasizes Stewart’s work on making connections among people, groups and churches. He highlighted the collegiality he experienced with Stewart when they both were serving parishes in St. Croix.
For Mark Staples, his conversations with Stewart were important of him. Stewart’s work on African American history and the Lutheran Church was a labor of love.
Dr. Charles Leonard focused on Stewart’s global interests. He and Stewart co-led trips to Africa with seminarians. Leonard also reflected on Stewart’s interest in making sure that the contributions of Blacks in the Lutheran church were not omitted as demonstrated in his digital interviews of Black rostered leaders.
Please join us in celebrating the life and legacy Richard Stewart.
Other interviews with Dr. Stewart:
- http://seminaryexplores.uls.edu/e/african-american-lutheran-clergy-an-oral-history/
- http://seminaryexplores.uls.edu/e/black-lives-matter/