An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday Jul 29, 2024
Revisiting Kites over the Mango Tree
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Dr. Janet Powers, Professor Emerita of Interdisciplinary and Women's Studies specializing in Indian religion and literature at Gettysburg College joins Katy Giebenhain for a conversation about her book Kites Over the Mango Tree: Restoring Harmony Between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat. Powers is a certified conflict resolution mediator and has worked with women's peace-building organizations in India, Palestine, Israel, Haiti, South Africa, and Estonia. Her PhD is from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has received many awards including a Peacemaker of the Year Award from the Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice, the inaugural Outstanding Contribution Award by Gettysburg Connection for Mediation Services of Adams County, and a YWCA Gettysburg Adams County Callie Award. Powers is the author of scholarly articles and poems as well as three books. You can also hear Dr. Powers speak about her experience of being a woman in academia on the Tell Us A Story podcast.