An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Quite a Start: YWCA’s Executive Director Dotty Dalphon
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
The YWCA in Gettysburg has a special relationship to United Lutheran Seminary. Its main facility has been located on the grounds of the Seminary’s Gettysburg campus since 1981.Gretchen Stuempfle and The Rev. Herman Stuempfle, Jr. (then president of the Seminary) proposed the site in the late 1970’s when the nonprofit was looking to expand. Two faculty members currently serve on its board of directors.
Just before the July 4th weekend The Seminary Explores caught up with the newest Executive Director of the YWCA Gettysburg & Adams County. Dotty Dalphon has her first year behind her, and what a year it has been! Leading a nonprofit with the broad scope of this particular YWCA’s offerings through a pandemic outbreak and a household move across state lines have made for a whirlwind of a welcome to Adams County. She’s pictured here with her daughter who completed her first half-marathon in Gettysburg.