An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday May 08, 2023
A Journey in Pastoral Ministry
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
This episode of The Seminary Explores features Pastor Ed Smith, the recipient of the Called to Lead – Excellence in Ministry Award by the Alumni Association of United Lutheran Seminary. Ed shared his various areas of ministry after graduating from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.
While a pastor in the Pocono area of Pennsylvania, he developed a ski ministry. After a few years, he received a call to a parish in Colorado where he participated in the beginning years of Habitat for Humanity and worked with former President Carter. That involvement led him to similar building projects in Nicaragua amid the political strife there in the 1980s. For over 30 years, Ed was also a chaplain for the Loveland, Colorado police department.
Throughout his years of involvement in activities beyond the congregations, he shared the important support of congregational members. His advice to women and men involved in pastoral ministry is to visit, love, and respect the gifts of the people you are called to serve.